Laying out your pages for a CD booklet – also known as pagination or page spreads.

Posted by PromoDiscs

If you’re having a booklet for your CD cases you’ll need to set the pages out correctly on the template so that when the paper is cut, folded and stapled together it reads correctly from front to back.

If you look at the list below you’ll see the pagination for all booklet sizes from a 4 page booklet up-to a 32 page booklet

  • For a 4 page booklet: 4-1, 2-3
  • For an 8-page booklet: 8-1, 2-7, 4-5, 6-3
  • For a 12-page booklet: 12-1, 2-11, 10-3, 4-9, 8-5, 6-7
  • For a 16-page booklet: 16-1, 2-15, 14-3, 4-13, 12-5, 6-11, 10-7, 8-9
  • For a 20-page booklet: 20-1, 2-19, 18-3, 4-17, 16-5, 6-15, 14-7, 8-13, 12-9, 10-11
  • For a 24-page booklet: 24-1, 2-23, 22-3, 4-21, 20-5, 6-19, 18-7, 8-17, 16-9, 10-15, 14-11, 12-13
  • For a 28-page booklet: 28-1, 2-27, 26-3, 4-25, 24-5, 6-23, 22-7, 8-21, 20-9, 10-19, 18-11, 12-17, 16-13, 14-15
  • For a 32-page booklet: 32-1, 2-31, 30-3, 4-29, 28-5, 6-27, 26-7, 8-25, 24-9, 10-23, 22-11, 12-21, 20-13, 14-19, 18-15, 16-17

You’ll need to set each page on the template in pairs multiple times until you have the correct number of pages required

Laying out your pages for a CD booklet - also known as pagination or page spreads. Promodiscs CD Duplication


Here you can see the pagination for pages 4 and 1 that would be in a four page booklet, page 1 being the front cover and page 4 being the back.